The question posed to us was ” If the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise?”
The status difference between the rich and the poor is increasing day by day. It is a global issue that is plaguing the every nation, both in developed and developing countries. This problem requires a unique solution, both on a local or global level; however very few, myself being probably the last on that list, know how to approach/ solve this issue.
The question posed is food for thought, would we need organizations like the Arc or social enterprise if the UN was fully funded? I feel the answer to this lies in the heart of the issue, it is a global issue. The scale and magnitude of this issue is so large it appears almost impossible (to me at least) to solve simply by the efforts of one organization. Hence, even if the UN was fully funded, it seems unlikely that they would be able to provide a solution for every problem, there are simply too many problems that require attention.
Plus, let’s not forget that money is a limited resource. Even a fully funded UN will run out of money at some point, their solutions will be money based, and not necessarily sustainable. Hence, initiatives such as the Arc and social enterprise would still be necessary because they they provide more sustainable solutions. They provide the people with the necessary skills so the that they can provide for themselves when they leave, a solution much more tangible than just money. The Arc or social enterprise can reach and tackle more local issues that even a fully funded UN wouldn’t be able to. Thus, I feel it is only fair to say that even a fully funded UN wouldn’t be able to erase the need of initiatives such the Arc or social enterprise.