The Peter A. Allard School of Law, UBC, and the Liu Network for Africa are pleased to welcome over 30 scholars and practitioners to the virtual conference, “Re-Imagining Agenda 2063: A Socio-Legal Foundation of the Africa We Want” taking place from June 21–24, 2021. This conference is an invitation to re-imagine the socio-legal foundation of development in Africa, in order to rethink old challenges and find new pathways for transforming the continent, using Africa’s most recent development formulation —Agenda 2063—as a lens.
The theme is premised on the understanding that development has dominated the
political-economic agendas of African states, both individually and collectively, since
independence swept across the continent over 60 years ago. After the Year of Africa
in 1960, however, African states have struggled to promote an independent and
domestically sourced vision of development. During this time, African states have
also come together to forge continental development programmes under the auspices
of the Organization of African Unity and its successor, the African Union, including
the 1980 Lagos Plan of Action, the 2001 New Partnership for Africa’s Development
and the most recent 2013 Agenda 2063. Nevertheless, following more than 60 years of
these efforts, several African countries continue to face daunting domestic and
regional development challenges.
Today, legal regimes across the continent are at a critical juncture as states seek to
respond to mounting development challenges. Legal responses have consistently been
a focal point for development, and yet they have often not facilitated stable and
meaningful transformation in Africa. These persistent challenges therefore call for an
interrogation of more nuanced understandings of law’s effect on governance, health,
education, peace and security, and the environment.
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