Introducing Myself: Marketing

My name is Renato Morales and I’m a second year student in the Sauder School of Business. I was originally born in Peru but I have lived in various different countries such as Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Brazil, and Canada during my past years. Therefore, I describe myself as the typical UBC international student. The reason why I’m taking COMM 296 is because it is part of my required courses for second year. However, during the past few weeks, I’ve taken more interest in marketing. Now, I know more specific areas of marketing such as value-based marketing, marketing research, and relationship marketing. This brief knowledge on marketing has given me more motivation to place marketing as one of my potential career options.

By living abroad, I have been exposed to many different types of advertisements such as commercial, political, and environmental ads. Unfortunately, I haven’t had much job experience with marketing but I do have a marketing background from a student and customer point of view. As many other young adults, I was raised with millions of advertisements being exposed to me everyday. The rapid growth of marketing in the past century has definitely shaped the culture of modern society in terms of social, psychological, and theoretical values. This is why why we are the largest group of consumers so far. Marketing achieves this by targeting to what people like, such as sports, fashion, then environment, comedy, etc. For example, one of my favorite ads is the Old Spice tv ad with the ship captain; it’s a pretty funny ad.

Something personal about myself is that I’m still not sure wether commerce is the right career for me. However, I think second year looks promising now that I’m being introduced with more courses relevant to commerce.

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