Marine Drive Stuff Swap – March 24th

The Common Energy Education subgroup and the Marine Drive Residence are putting together a stuff swap on Thursday the 24th at Marine Drive Residence Building 6 from 11AM-8PM.

Have some extra clothes, shoes, electronics, books, CDs, housewares, food and non-perishables or any other stuff that you want to get rid of?

Want to turn someone else’s junk into your new treasures? Come to the UBC stuff swap, March 24th from 11 AM to 8 PM at Marine Drive Residences, Building 6 Lounge. Bring your old, gently used items and exchange them with others. It’s a great way to downsize and make the move out smoother while being eco-friendly and helping those in need.

Earth Hour 2011


On Saturday, March 26,2011 at 8:30pm hundreds of millions of people around the globe will turn off their lights in symbolic support of climate action. Let’s prepare for Earth Hour at UBC by spreading the word in our residences and committees to turn off our lights and electronic equipment!!

There will also be two Earth Hour events happening on campus this year – one for first year students in Place Vanier Residence and a community event at the Main Mall Commons near the Forest Sciences Centre and Thunderbird Park Residence.

For more info, check out the website:


Organizational Change Management for Sustainability: Lessons Learned from Greening Harvard University

When:  Monday, March 21, 2011
Time:  7pm-8:30pm
Location: Multi-purpose Room, Liu Institute of Global Issues, University of British Columbia
Cost:  FREE

The UBC Sustainability Initiative and Cascadia Green Building Council would like to invite you to our upcoming Transformational Lecture featuring Leith Sharp, Founding Director of Harvard Sustainability office.

In this lecture, Ms. Sharp will use her many years of experience greening Harvard University as her primary case study, sharing lessons learned while working with Harvard to build and renovate over 50 green buildings, and introduce participants to the art of catalyzing wide scale change in the behaviors and practices of organizations and the role of the individual in bringing the new green economy to fruition.

The lecture will begin at 7:00 PM, followed by a panel discussion with Orion Henderson (Director, Operational Sustainability, UBC), Candace Le Roy (Sustainability Coordinator, Simon Fraser University) and Alexandre Hebert (Energy and Sustainability Manager, BCIT).   Please pass on this invitation to your network of friends and colleagues who may be interested. Thank you and we hope to see you at the events!

Why Manhattan is the Greenest City in North America – Lecture by David Owen, Thursday, March 17th

Why Manhattan is the Greenest City in North America

Thursday, March 17, 2011, 7:30pm – 9pm
Vancouver Playhouse Theatre

Author and urban thinker David Owen gives a public speech at this event. Hosted by the Global Civic Policy Society and UBC School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture.

Please register in advance for free admission:

Georgia Straight Article:

Force of Nature: The David Suzuki Movie, April 3rd, 7pm on CBC-TV


At 74 years of age, David Suzuki, the iconic Canadian scientist, educator, broadcaster and activist, delivers what he describes as “a last lecture – a distillation of my life and thoughts, my legacy, what I want to say before I die.”

Force of Nature: The David Suzuki Movie interweaves this lecture with scenes from Suzuki’s life and lifetime – the major social, scientific, cultural and political events of the past 70 years.

Check out the film on Sunday, April 3rd, 2011 at 7pm on CBC-TV

Do It In The Dark BC Energy Competition – GO VANIER!!

From March 7th-26th, students living in residences on NINE campuses across BC will be competing to reduce their electrical energy consumption including UBC’s own VANIER RESIDENCE! Check out the hilarious competition video below.


See how we’re doing against other universities by visiting the Energy Dashboard links:

Green Cafe with David Suzuki – March 23rd, 2011

What does it mean to be an environmentalist?

Wednesday, March 23, 6 – 8pm
Fairmont Waterfront Hotel
Facilitators: Steve Williams, Steve Unger, Dr. Jerry Growe

“By changing the way we think, we change the way we act, thereby creating the transformation that we seek.”

Join the David Suzuki Foundation at the Fairmont Waterfront in Vancouver for a transformative Green Café, where we will be bring awareness to our basic assumptions about what it means to be an environmentalist, both professionally and as human beings.

Special guest: Graphic facilitator Stina Brown will animate this highly interactive and provocative discussion.

For: Members of employee green teams, business owners and all individuals committed to sustainable workplace practice!

Tickets $10

Register online


Responsible Consumption Week – March 7th-12th, 2011!

Responsible Consumption Week is happening March 7th to 11th, and we want you all to come out and have fun at our events!

Check out the Facebook page:

This is a week of events organized by the Student Environment Centre resource group at UBC, with the goal of setting up responsible consumption opportunities and showing how you too can think responsibly when it comes to what you buy and use! It’s also a good time to break from the rut of school work and have …fun in various green activities!

Here is the schedule of events for Responsible Consumption Week 2011:

Stuff Swap:
Monday-Tuesday (inside the SUB) and Wednesday-Friday (SUB south entrance)
– Do you have stuff lying around that you don’t want or need? Don’t want to throw it out? You can bring out your old clothes and unwanted treasures to swap them with others at the Stuff Swap booth all day every day of the week! We will also be collecting e-waste/batteries which we will recycle for you!

Threads Workshop:
Monday March 7th inside SUB room 207/209
– Learn how to knit simple dishcloths and repair your old and ripped clothing. Feel free to come by at any time during the workshop and we’ll get you started. You can bring an article of clothing to work on or just come out and practice. If you are knitting, there will be a deposit of $3 if you need to borrow knitting needles outside of workshop time.

Scavenger Hunt:
Thursday March 10th at the Stuff Swap booth (SUB south entrance)
– Participate in our Responsible Consumption scavenger hunt and you could win a $20 MEC gift certificate! Create a team of up to three people, e-mail us at or come by the Stuff Swap table anytime between Monday and Thursday morning, and go on a hunt!

Wrap-Up Potluck:
Friday March 11th in the Resource Center upstairs in the SUB
– End off Responsible Consumption Week with a potluck! Come by and bring some green (literally or otherwise) food to share, and watch the scavenger hunt awards get passed out! We will also be watching Wall-E, hanging out and wrapping the week up with good times!

Canada's Water Week – March 14th – 22nd, 2011

Celebrate Canada’s water resources from March 14th – 22nd by hosting an event with your Sustainability Committee or involved in the events below:

Blue Drinks @ the Blarney Stone on March 22nd

False Creek Watershed event @ Rhizome Kitchen on March 31st
For more information check out the WWF Page for Canada’s Water week – http:.//

Email to sign your group up for an event!