Organizational Change Management for Sustainability: Lessons Learned from Greening Harvard University

When:  Monday, March 21, 2011
Time:  7pm-8:30pm
Location: Multi-purpose Room, Liu Institute of Global Issues, University of British Columbia
Cost:  FREE

The UBC Sustainability Initiative and Cascadia Green Building Council would like to invite you to our upcoming Transformational Lecture featuring Leith Sharp, Founding Director of Harvard Sustainability office.

In this lecture, Ms. Sharp will use her many years of experience greening Harvard University as her primary case study, sharing lessons learned while working with Harvard to build and renovate over 50 green buildings, and introduce participants to the art of catalyzing wide scale change in the behaviors and practices of organizations and the role of the individual in bringing the new green economy to fruition.

The lecture will begin at 7:00 PM, followed by a panel discussion with Orion Henderson (Director, Operational Sustainability, UBC), Candace Le Roy (Sustainability Coordinator, Simon Fraser University) and Alexandre Hebert (Energy and Sustainability Manager, BCIT).   Please pass on this invitation to your network of friends and colleagues who may be interested. Thank you and we hope to see you at the events!

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