Bike to Work Week Starts Today!

Last year, UBC won all the top prizes in the 1000+ employee category, winning highest participation rate, most kilometres cycled and overall winner in the Higher Education category.

This year, UBC is striving to retain this top position and increase the number of participating cyclists. Register a team for your department and encourage your colleagues and friends to sign up, get on their bikes and log their commutes to win great prizes like a bike trip for two to the Kettle Valley Railway!

B2WW participants are also encouraged to drop by UBC’s Celebration Station on Wednesday, June 1 between 7:30am – 10am for free refreshments, bike tune-ups by the Bike Kitchen and draw prizes. For UBC staff who work at Robson Square and teaching hospital sites, visit the Celebration Station map to find dates and locations for your bike commute.
Bike Rack2
B2WW is not only about prizes and the environment. It’s also about building community, healthy living, and quality of life. Check out and share this webpage which showcases regular folks who made the switch to bike commuting after participating in B2WW… and who are sticking with it for their health and their pocketbooks.

UBC Named Canada's First "Fair Trade Campus"

You’ve seen the Ethical Bean Coffee… and now UBC has been declared Canada’s first “Fair Trade Campus”. Look for the fair trade logo on products around UBC and on products served at AMS and UBC Food Services outlets (I had some fair trade Ponderosa Cake the other day made from fair trade bananas… and it was amazing).

Fair Trade means that we can support sustainable development worldwide, helping developing countries meet their goals for carbon emissions, and develop sustainable farming practices.

To find out more, click here

Live in Rez at UBC? Care about Sustainability?


Welcome to the UBC Sustainability in Rez blog!

This blog is a place for  announcements, event info, and story highlights on everything related to sustainability in student residences and on campus at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver.  Connect with other student leaders in the residence community to share best practices and gain skills and contacts across campus. For more information about our member residences that have formal Sustainability Committees, click through the tabs at the top of the page!

If your residence is not listed above but belongs to the Sustainability in Residence network, please contact the Sustainability in Residence Coordinator Shelley Long at to learn more about how you can get involved in rez.

For more information about Sustainability @ UBC please visit

National Bike Safety Month and Week… This week: The Ride of Silence

Join the UBC Bike Co-op in the annual Ride of Silence to raise awareness about cycling accidents and bike safety in Vancouver.

Meet at 6:30pm on Wednesday, May 18th, at 33rd and Ontario (Queen Elizabeth Park).
Ride begins at 7pm and will end up in Stanley Park around 8pm.

-This ride is a somber memorial to all those killed or injured in cycling accidents. We ask that you remain silent during the ride our of respect.
-Please wear your helmets, bring your bike lights, and anything else you need to feel safe.
-Please be respectful of other traffic and follow the directions of the leaders of the ride.

If you are thinking about riding in traffic this summer, refresh yourself on the following city bylaws regarding safe cycling on Vancouver’s streets!

For more background on the Ride of Silence… click here