PORTABLE FEAST: first UBC Farm Market with stories and samples!

Who: UBC Farm and Chef Steve Golob of Place Vanier dining hall

What: celebrating the first UBC Farm Market with samples and stories of the UBC Farm

Where: Wednesday, June 22 outside the UBC Bookstore

When: 11:30 am – 12 pm The UBC Farm Story with Amy Fry

12-1:30 pm Chef’s Demo with cooking tips, ideas, and Samples


1. BC Peach Glazed BBQ Chicken Breast, Local Berries, & Mixed Greens

2. Smoked Tofu with Spinach & Pomegranate/Blueberry Balsamic Dressing

3. Chickpea Salad with Grilled Japanese Effplant

4. Whole Wheat Pasta Salad with Edamame Beans & BC Apples

5. New BC Nugget Potato Salad & Smoked Cheddar

****All ingredients from local BC Producers and the UBC FARM!!****

Fast, Fresh, & Local!


This fall during first term, UBC is offering two courses on SUSTAINABILITY LEADERSHIP: CONS 449C (undergraduate) and CONS 504C (graduate).

The course will use a hands on pedagogical learning technique to teach students about sustainability, leadership, and what the two mean in the same sentence. The class will mesh together leadership exercises with applications to sustainability such as how to cultivate change in communities and use your authority as a critical and active member of the community.

From the website itself:

·         Are you craving a hands-on approach to skilfully engage with difficult situations?
·         Have you ever wondered how you could effectively create positive change in a social/environmental issue that matters to you?
·         Have you ever worked with a group that felt stuck and left you wanting to know how to help the group make progress on the challenge it was working on?
·         Do you have a longing for profound societal change and want to be a part of it?

Then check out ubc.sustainabilityleadership.ca/ to learn more about the course teachers, format, and syllabus.

All sustainability committee members: this course is for you. If you would like to learn how to get involved in the sustainability movement and gain skills that will further your career in a tangible way, then this course is definitely worth checking out.  25% of your mark comes from reflections, 25% from a film analysis, 25% from class participation, and 25% for your final portfolio.. plus there’s no final exam!

International Student Energy Summit – Coming to UBC next week!

The International Student Energy Summit (ISES) will be hosted by the University of British Columbia Jun 9-11.

The summit is a forum for Undergraduate and Graduate students all around the world from all fields to come together to be educated, inspired, encouraged, and united in the future of energy solutions, focused in three key areas of Markets + Regulation, Global Energy Dynamics, and Technology + Innovation.

The conference is in it’s third year, and has chosen UBC because of our unique Sustainability Initiative and leadership in sustainability and clean energy research. Some conference tickets, including accommodation, are still available here for a couple more hours.