Lecture: Jurassic Glass Sponge Reefs by Dr. Manfred Krautter

SPECIAL SEMINAR ON JURASSIC GLASS SPONGE REEFS DATING BACK 9000 YEARS brought to you by the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPWS)

Featuring Dr. Manfred Krautter from the Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie – University of Stuttgart, Germany

When: Wednesday December 8, 4-5PM
Where: Beaty Biodiversity Museum Auditorium

Jurassic Glass Sponge Reefs Dating back 9000 years, the glass sponge reefs found in British Columbia waters are unique in the world. Thought to have gone extinct with the dinosaurs in the Jurassic era, these living reefs were discovered by Canadian scientists in the late 1980s. Covering approximately 1000 sq km of seafloor in 4 distinct reef complexes, the northern BC reefs can reach the height of an 8-storey building. More recently, smaller reefs have been discovered in the Strait of Georgia.

PLEASE CONTACT: Sally Otto otto@zoology.ubc.ca or Sabine Jessen <sabine@cpawsbc.org>


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