GET INVOLVED! Waste and Water Planning @ UBC

UBC will be developing both a Water Action Plan and a Waste Action Plan in 2011 and the first step is to draw together UBC community members, like you, to help us create a vision and actions for water and waste management on campus.


Water Action Plan

Waste Action Plan

Date: Tuesday, February 8, 2011

9am – 3pm

GSS Ballroom (6371 Crescent Road)

Snacks and lunch will be provided

Date: Thursday, February 10, 2011

9am – 3pm

GSS Ballroom (6371 Crescent Road)

Snacks and lunch will be provided

Please RSVP to by February 1, 2011 and indicate if you would like to attend one or both of these sessions. If you are unable to attend these events, but would still like to have input into the action planning process, please contact and inform her that you would like to be put on a mailing list for updates on the waste and water action planning processes.

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