Sustainable Campuses NOW! Conference

Want to learn about environmental and social justice issues that are affecting western Canada? Do you have a desire to develop skills to help you make a difference on your campus? Interested in taking part in a greater vision to transform the campuses and communities you’re apart of?
This March 3-6, 2011 at the University of British Columbia, goBEYOND campus climate network, the Sierra Youth Coalition and UBC wants to invite you to attend the 4th annual BC Sustainable Campuses Conference, Sustainable Campuses NOW!
Conference highlights include:
  • Learn best practices for campus sustainability
  • Over 28 workshops to choose from
  • Develop skills and learn about issues
  • Building synergies with like-minded youth
  • Share successes and troubleshoot challenges
  • And of course, great food, fun and hands on learning!
Save $15 if you register before February 21, so sign up today!
To learn more or to register, go to
And if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact

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