Blueberries (my favourite fruit) are finally in season, and UBC Food Services in partnership with the UBC Farm, the UBC Bookstore, and the BC Blueberry Council are presenting the annual BLUEBERRY FESTIVAL next Tuesday, July 19th to Saturday, July 24th from 9am to 1pm daily!

Come celebrate the season with blueberry pancakes and pastries (scones, muffins, tarts… you name it), or if you are like me, indulge in entire flats of blueberries! All of this will be for sale on the UBC Bookstore Plaza (now reincarnated as UBC Central).

There will also be free entertainment, recipes, and on Wednesday, the UBC Farm Market will still be there from11:30 am to 1:30 pm selling other fresh, local, organic produce grown from the farm.

Bring a friend or two or three and channel your your inner Violet Beauregarde by stuffing your belly full of BC blueberries all week long!

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