
UBC Sustainability Reps aims to support, foster and recognize sustainability initiatives within student residences on campus.  Campus Sustainability supports Residence Life sustainability committees as well as sustainability committees in two private graduate residences by:

  • providing relevant information on energy conservation, waste reduction, sustainable food systems and sustainable transportation;
  • facilitating workshops and experiential learning opportunities to highlight sustainability in action both in residence and at UBC;
  • supporting leadership and initiatives developed and promoted by sustainability committee reps;
  • offering both in person and online networking opportunities to share resources, ideas and best practices between the various student residences on campus.

Currently, there are active sustainability committees in the following 8 residences:

This website serves as a communications hub between the different residence sustainability committees, UBC Campus Sustainability as well as Residence Life.  While the contents mainly focus on the sustainability initiatives and events going on within each member residence, it is also a source of information about general sustainability focused events on campus as well as sustainability initiatives implemented by Campus Sustainability and Residence Life.

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