Are UBC Take-away Coffee Cups Compostable/Recyclable? Mystery Unveiled!!

A common question we get asked at the Campus Sustainability Office is: can take-away coffee cups be composted or recycled at UBC? The short answer is… bring your own reusable coffee mug whenever you purchase a hot beverage to go, and encourage your peers to do the same! The long answer is:

UBC Food Services Outlets: all coffee cups are compostable; lids are not recyclable; java jackets can be placed in paper recycling.

AMS Food and Beverage Outlets (at the SUB): all coffee cups are compostable; plastic lids are not recyclable; java jackets can be put in paper recycling.

Starbucks: coffee cups have recycled paper content but are not compostable nor recyclable; lids are not recyclable; java jackets can be put in paper recycling.

Tim Hortons: coffee cups are not compostable nor recyclable; lids are not recyclable.

Help reduce the number of coffee cups entering the landfill by promoting the use of reusable takeout mugs and containers to your peers.



UBC has created a really neat online tool that provides information about where and how to recycle everything from batteries, solvents, paper products, light bulbs, electronic equipment and much more!

Check out UBC Recyclopedia –

Don’t see the product you’re looking for?  This is an evolving document and we want to hear your suggestions!  Contact Kara Bowen from the Sustainability Office with what’s missing –


Marine Drive Stuff Swap – March 24th

The Common Energy Education subgroup and the Marine Drive Residence are putting together a stuff swap on Thursday the 24th at Marine Drive Residence Building 6 from 11AM-8PM.

Have some extra clothes, shoes, electronics, books, CDs, housewares, food and non-perishables or any other stuff that you want to get rid of?

Want to turn someone else’s junk into your new treasures? Come to the UBC stuff swap, March 24th from 11 AM to 8 PM at Marine Drive Residences, Building 6 Lounge. Bring your old, gently used items and exchange them with others. It’s a great way to downsize and make the move out smoother while being eco-friendly and helping those in need.