National Bike Safety Month and Week… This week: The Ride of Silence

Join the UBC Bike Co-op in the annual Ride of Silence to raise awareness about cycling accidents and bike safety in Vancouver.

Meet at 6:30pm on Wednesday, May 18th, at 33rd and Ontario (Queen Elizabeth Park).
Ride begins at 7pm and will end up in Stanley Park around 8pm.

-This ride is a somber memorial to all those killed or injured in cycling accidents. We ask that you remain silent during the ride our of respect.
-Please wear your helmets, bring your bike lights, and anything else you need to feel safe.
-Please be respectful of other traffic and follow the directions of the leaders of the ride.

If you are thinking about riding in traffic this summer, refresh yourself on the following city bylaws regarding safe cycling on Vancouver’s streets!

For more background on the Ride of Silence… click here

Are UBC Take-away Coffee Cups Compostable/Recyclable? Mystery Unveiled!!

A common question we get asked at the Campus Sustainability Office is: can take-away coffee cups be composted or recycled at UBC? The short answer is… bring your own reusable coffee mug whenever you purchase a hot beverage to go, and encourage your peers to do the same! The long answer is:

UBC Food Services Outlets: all coffee cups are compostable; lids are not recyclable; java jackets can be placed in paper recycling.

AMS Food and Beverage Outlets (at the SUB): all coffee cups are compostable; plastic lids are not recyclable; java jackets can be put in paper recycling.

Starbucks: coffee cups have recycled paper content but are not compostable nor recyclable; lids are not recyclable; java jackets can be put in paper recycling.

Tim Hortons: coffee cups are not compostable nor recyclable; lids are not recyclable.

Help reduce the number of coffee cups entering the landfill by promoting the use of reusable takeout mugs and containers to your peers.



UBC has created a really neat online tool that provides information about where and how to recycle everything from batteries, solvents, paper products, light bulbs, electronic equipment and much more!

Check out UBC Recyclopedia –

Don’t see the product you’re looking for?  This is an evolving document and we want to hear your suggestions!  Contact Kara Bowen from the Sustainability Office with what’s missing –


Provincial Do It In The Dark Energy Competition – UPDATE!

Congratulations Okanagan College for coming in FIRST PLACE in the Provincial Do It In The Dark Energy Competition!  Second and third place went to the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) and the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV).

All university  students living in residences (including UBC’s own PLACE VANIER!) managed to conserve over 125,000 kwh of electricity translating to approximately 7000 tonnes of C02 and savings of over $9000!

Check out the details on the goBEYOND site –



Vote mobs are happening at universities across the country!! (
Join over 700 students at UBC on Wednesday, April 20th, 2011  and celebrate our right to vote!!

When:  Wednesday, April 20th, 2011
Time:  12pm-2pm
Where:  The grassy knoll next to the SUB
What to wear:  Any Canadian gear, red clothes, gloves, face-paint, flags, etc.
Sign up on the Facebook Page!/event.php?eid=11746389833453

Marine Drive Stuff Swap – March 24th

The Common Energy Education subgroup and the Marine Drive Residence are putting together a stuff swap on Thursday the 24th at Marine Drive Residence Building 6 from 11AM-8PM.

Have some extra clothes, shoes, electronics, books, CDs, housewares, food and non-perishables or any other stuff that you want to get rid of?

Want to turn someone else’s junk into your new treasures? Come to the UBC stuff swap, March 24th from 11 AM to 8 PM at Marine Drive Residences, Building 6 Lounge. Bring your old, gently used items and exchange them with others. It’s a great way to downsize and make the move out smoother while being eco-friendly and helping those in need.

Earth Hour 2011


On Saturday, March 26,2011 at 8:30pm hundreds of millions of people around the globe will turn off their lights in symbolic support of climate action. Let’s prepare for Earth Hour at UBC by spreading the word in our residences and committees to turn off our lights and electronic equipment!!

There will also be two Earth Hour events happening on campus this year – one for first year students in Place Vanier Residence and a community event at the Main Mall Commons near the Forest Sciences Centre and Thunderbird Park Residence.

For more info, check out the website: