After reading Samyta’s blog and finding out about WOW airlines I was ecstatic, as a student who dreams of travelling to exotic islands and having a fun time with friends and making memories, my particularly light weight wallet ironically sits like a stone on my conscience. A majority of peoples expenses when it comes to travel is their flight tickets, in fact with companies like Airbnb and Uber who have become popular and less expensive alternatives to orthodox mediums of stay and travel in a foreign country, the only major cost one would incur is flight

Now with respect to Samyta’s question “why would I travel with a less known company like WOW when the cumulative cost of my journey is equal to flying West Jet?” According to me WOW’s target customer segment is “the backpackers” or budget travelers; people who travel light and want to travel to distant parts of the world. When you budget a vacation, especially as a student or someone with a lower disposable income you usually keep money as your highest priority with comforts like extra luggage and gourmet meals a little lower on the priority hierarchy. WOW seems to cater to that niche segment of people, for whom traditional airfares of 400+ dollars is not even an option.


I think your question makes sense, but it takes away from the fact that as a company WOW’s value proposition is: cheap airfare for those who can’t afford a 400 dollar alternative. The question isn’t luxury or comfort it’s the basic act of getting places. For people who prioritise their costs over their comfort, WOW is the go-to airline.