Post 3: “The Reshoring Phenomenon”

As the recession hit back in 2008, and costs of production rose in the US and Canada, many companies decided to move their manufacturing plants to China, resulting in the loss of jobs and a weakened economy.

It seems that things are on their way to improvement though, because many US companies are now trying to “reshore” meaning, bringing back manufacturing to the home country.  A company called Merchant House International Ltd, which makes boots for Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and Sears Holdings Corp., has announced that it will open it’s first factory in the US.    Are things looking up when it comes to bringing back industry to the States?

This isn’t the only company that has looked into the possibility of reshoring.  In fact, “More than half of U.S. executives at manufacturers with sales of at least $1 billion (U.S.) say they are planning to repatriate some production to the United States from China.” Some of the benefits of reshoring include being closer to customers, lower transportation costs, and better product quality.

As an American, I’ve missed seeing everyday goods say “Made in the USA”.  The outsourcing to China was not solving any problems back home, in fact, it made things much worse.  As a result, our economy plummeted, our dollar decreased in value, and many people became unemployed. It’s nice to know that industries are finally seeing the benefits of bringing jobs back to America.  It may take some time, in fact, it may take 25 years, at the current rate, to bring back all lost factory jobs since 2000.  Even though it will happen slowly, in the end, reshoring will be worth the effort.  It will give the American economy the strength it needs to grow in order to be successful and efficient once again.

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