Post 8 : RE : “Target Corp. Misses the Canadian Target”

In response to Taylor’s post on the expansion of Target into Canada:

Being from the states, I’m quite familiar with Target and have shopped there for years.  I’ve always been happy with the customer service, low prices, variety of products, and haven’t had many issues regarding sold out products. I was surprised to hear that Target would be expanding to Canada and figured that it would be just like the one near my home. As mentioned in Taylor’s post and this article from the Globe and Mail,  many people are quite upset with the fact that Target Canada is not the same as Target in the United States.  There has been quite a bit of negative feedback, from shelves being empty all the way to the stores having a bad smell.

I can relate to these shoppers experience, because I noticed the same things when I went to a Target in Canada for the first time.  I noticed a lot of bare shelves and had difficulty finding things.  I also noticed the prices were higher than what I am used to back in the States.  If you ask me, I think Target Canada needs to reconsider their value proposition in order to bring the same quality experience from the US to Canada to its customers.

In order for Target to increase its numbers, like Taylor suggested, Target must evaluate its point of difference.  If Target is unwilling to lower its prices, then the competitors will be at an advantage over Target.  Target must remember its value propositions, or the reasons why the customers continue coming back, which is due to low prices for a wide range of products.   As the article mentions, there are issues like this anticipated to happen when a business opens or expands, and hopefully Target will find a new way to illustrate its value to the Canadian market.

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