Charitable Choices

In Stephanie Burns’ blog post “Why it’s Good for your Business to do Good” on, she analyzes why it’s good for businesses to contribute to charities and host charitable events.  In my opinion, Burns makes many strong points that should encourage business owners to get involved.

One point of focus is the fact that holding charity events makes both consumers and employees see the business positively.  Consumers like buying into products or services that have strong ethics, and employees generally respect a boss who cares about the employees as well as the community.  When a business has consumer support, it leads to customer loyalty, and customers tell other people about the great things a business is doing.

Another benefit Burns touches on is the networking and advertising opportunities created through taking part in a charity event.  Customers who would never otherwise see your business as well as other members of the professional community often take part in these events.  When they see your business shares the same values they do, they will most likely think positively of your business.  Connecting with like-minded businesspeople can be beneficial for both parties, setting you up with future potential partners.

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