Are Managers Useless?

In many different workplaces, mostly fast food restaurants, managers just get promoted to their jobs based on the fact that they were able to do their entry level job well over the years. It is assumed that those that can exceed expectations preparing a burger, or taking a customer’s order are ready to take on the task of being a leader.

Luke Garside, manager of McDonald's, New George Street, is one of seven Plymouth-based employees who have been chosen for a  squad to work at the Olympics


In some cases, often by luck, these workers do possess the skills necessary to maintain a group of individuals, but in reality, most managers lack the proper qualifications to be seen as a leader. Most managers do not respond to situations well and this can affect the overall efficiency of the business. Managers are meant to be able to oversee the overall brand and operations of the business, and this is not a useless task. Though anyone can go through training once given the promotion, I truly believe that there is a certain type of person that a manager ought to be, and in order for a business to run smoothly, there must be a proper hiring process to ensure that managers can be truly deemed as leaders.


Hello to the new Jell-O

When I was a young growing second grader, your status on the playground was loosely based on the snacks you had for break. At that time, Jell-O and their chocolate pudding reigned supreme. Fast forward to today and you may sometimes see the wiggly dessert at the hospital cafeteria (if you happen to be so lucky). So while opening a lunch box, one might ask with nostalgia, where art thou Jell-O?

With the coming and going of trends, Jell-O has lost its prominence and Kraft’s dessert marketers are trying to revive it by trying to make it appeal to all age groups, as the fun way to snack. It sounds easy enough, its a wiggly dessert, I can imagine the commercials, “You know what to do with that Jell-O cup!” “wiggle, wiggle, wiggle”, am I right? But in reality, this fight for survival will be tough. Eating Jell-O requires two hands for those on the go and Jell-O prep is time consuming. As Jell-O transitions to a snack, it’ll have more competition and will really have to innovate packaging to make it commuter friendly. Jell-O tubes anyone?




Can a New Premier Change Tradition?

With the introduction of the new Alberta Premier, Jim Prentice, there are high hopes for progress to be made regarding the Northern Gateway Pipeline. From the opinions of many officials, Mr. Prentice will be better “suited” to deal with the First Nations with his understanding of the issues put forth by the group as well as his experience as the former federal cabinet minister for aboriginal affairs, industry and environment.


This is interconnecting the external factor of societal and cultural trends. The First Nations people believe in the spiritual connections involving stewardship, as it is our job to take care of the land as it provides for us. So this idea of drilling and digging into the land to create crude oil pipelines has a long list of potential environmental dangers that clash with the First Nation beliefs. First off, environmental clean up tactics must be specifically prepared by Northern Gateway Pipeline, deemed viable, and they will have to amp up these projects for the continuation of the project to even be considered without protest. Though it may be expensive, it is one of many conditions that has yet to be properly met.


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