Hello to the new Jell-O

When I was a young growing second grader, your status on the playground was loosely based on the snacks you had for break. At that time, Jell-O and their chocolate pudding reigned supreme. Fast forward to today and you may sometimes see the wiggly dessert at the hospital cafeteria (if you happen to be so lucky). So while opening a lunch box, one might ask with nostalgia, where art thou Jell-O?

With the coming and going of trends, Jell-O has lost its prominence and Kraft’s dessert marketers are trying to revive it by trying to make it appeal to all age groups, as the fun way to snack. It sounds easy enough, its a wiggly dessert, I can imagine the commercials, “You know what to do with that Jell-O cup!” “wiggle, wiggle, wiggle”, am I right? But in reality, this fight for survival will be tough. Eating Jell-O requires two hands for those on the go and Jell-O prep is time consuming. As Jell-O transitions to a snack, it’ll have more competition and will really have to innovate packaging to make it commuter friendly. Jell-O tubes anyone?

Source: http://mashable.com/2013/02/15/bill-cosby-gifs/


reference: http://adage.com/article/news/kraft-launches-campaign-revive-jell-o/243616/

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