Intrigued by the title, I decided to read Rittu’s post, Greenpeace’s Rule Over Lego, which discusses the dissolving of the long partnership between Lego and the gasoline company, Shell (that I was completely unaware of ). This partnership was obviously mutualistic as it takes oil to create plastic for the Lego pieces and Shell gets exposure from the sets displayed in Rittu’s post.
I completely agree with Rittu and her stance on the issue. Lego is a company that requires oil for its production of plastic so in no way is this reducing Lego’s contributions of hazardous smog to the ozone layer as they can find another supplier quickly. As described in my Micro Economics class multiple times, the idea of corporate social responsibility is a load of cow dung. Lego is trying to watch it’s back to avoid scrutiny from the public and further ridicule from Greenpeace, as it needs to keep its wholesome household name clean so it can keep its sales steady. If Lego was not in it for the profits, they would spend money on research of the use of alternative sustainable resources instead of continuing to bs their way through this issue.