All in BC Hydro’s Smart Meter

In reading Matthew Lau’s post on the Energy Aware In-Home display meter, I strongly agree within him on the idea that Energy Aware’s biggest hurdle is the Smart meter itself.

Will they conquer the obstacle?

A lot of skepticism has been floating around on the newest product, Smart Meter, released from BC Hydro. The idea of transmitting wireless signals seems to freak the consumers out ever since reports on harmful radio waves were released. This harms Energy Aware greatly because if there are no smart meters, then there are no PowerTabs from Energy Aware in BC.

Energy Aware needs to find a way to ensure their customer that not only does PowerTabs create no harm, but also the smart meter itself. Whether it is by investing in harmful product research or marketing both its products and BC Hydro’s, they clearly need to find a way to go around this obstacle in order to start generating profits.

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