Social Media is Suitable for Small Business

BMO(Bank of Montreal) says Canadian small business owners are increasingly savvy about using social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.The bank says 57 per cent of about 300 business owners contacted for the study said they use social media.

In my opinion, it is reasonable for small business entrepreneurs to choose social media. Firstly, social media is a cheap stage to show their products. Even on some social website like Facebook, which is totally free. It is a good way for small business to decrease their cost. Secondly, social media has a large users base. People may watch TV three times a week, but they check their Facebook everyday.

On one hand, I do not see anything incorrect. When several big companies dominating in the industry, there always are some barriers to start up. Social media is a method to cover those barriers, so why not take advantage of it?

On the other hand, I will say that big companies do not need to worry about the case. As small business grows, they will find social media is not large enough for them. They still need to make advertisements on TV or radio.

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