Twitter’s True Value Is Not Clear

Twitter held its initial public offering on the New York Stock Exchange on November 7th morning. On the second day, Twitter opened up at $45.10 at morning and finished at $44.90. In one day, Twitter’s IPO price increased by 73 percent.

Someone said that Twitter’s increasing share price is not only a big success of Twitter itself, but also a hope of renaissance of electronic social platforms.

I don’t agree with that. I do see the great price improvement of Twitter, but the future is not clear.

I have seen that Facebook had the similar beginning as Twitter. Facebook seemed like being always good at share market. The operation problem decreased its share price though.

Also I think the competition of electronic platforms is fierce. Google, Facebook and Twitter, although they are different kind of networks, the revenue of advertisements and users number are the common area. Google did really well in share market at past.

With good beginning, Twitter needs go further. I recommend Twitter to grab the opportunity  without hesitations, not like Facebook. Will Twitter go similar way of Google or Facebook? It still remains to be time to certification.

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