Companies Want Intrapreneurs

Over the past few decades, “intrapreneurship,” the act of working as an entrepreneur within large organization , has been a leading factor in company innovation and product growth. Google with Gmail, Sun Microsystems with Java, and even Facebook with the “like” button are all innovative ideas sparked by employees with the incentive to create and establish. Companies enjoy having a pool of ideas from heir employees and have created programs to fuel employee participation. For instance, Google has supported free-flowing ideas through contests such as the “20% Program,” which allows employees 20% of their regular working hours to come up with new ideas to pitch to executives. In dual-study made by Dan Schawbel, a prominent contributor to Forbes Magazine, and American Express, they found that “58% of managers are either very willing or extremely willing to support employees who want to capitalize on a new business opportunity within their company.” 


The idea behind “intrapreneurship” is that companies simply need new ideas to progress. Every business, regardless of the industry it lies in, has to keep up with ongoing technological advancements and the competitive nature of rival companies. Despite this, executives must always learn to balance innovative growth and maintenance of their companies’ current sales.

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