301 Rida Irshad Application Letter

by RidaIrshad

3187 Checknita Way SW,

Edmonton, AB. T6W 4W7


May 30, 2022


The University of British Columbia

2329 West Mall

Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4


Subject: To Produce an Ideal Writing Team to Coordinate Assignments of ENGL 301

Dear Fellow Students,

Are you seeking a reliable, hard working and committed teammate who would be an ideal candidate for your writing team? If so, please consider this application letter as a proposal to join your writing team. I have been practicing as a Dental Hygienist for over six years now, this has provided me with opportunities to write in a professional setting such as describing the assessments and diagnosis of a patient and their proposed treatment plan to other professionals in the dental/medical field. In addition to that, I have previous writing experience from my diploma program of Dental Hygiene as well as my recent writing experience from completing extensive research papers and essays that were necessary to fulfil the requirements of courses such as literature review courses, oral epidemiology, or bio-medical ethics.

To be accepted into my diploma and degree completion program for dental hygiene, I was required to write an essay to display my interest for the program as well as to prove that I possess proficient writing skills. I was accepted into both programs. Throughout my educational career, I have been exposed to a range of different forms of writing including program planning, proposal letters, research papers, presentations, and peer reviews. In addition to that, my volunteer experience in the dental hygiene field provided an opportunity for creative writing such as designing educational pamphlets regarding smoking and its relation to oral hygiene or brochures to advocate good oral hygiene by inviting individuals to be my patients during my clinicals. My strengths with writing include proof-reading, detailed and to the point. My vulnerability with writing is that I am unfamiliar with various styles of reference formatting. However, I am confident in my fast-learning skills and know that I can improve this skill with practice.

My learning philosophy is to be passionate about my learning and be inspiring to my fellow learners. I am excited to gain more writing experience throughout this course and look forward to hearing from my ideal writing team. I trust you will take my experience and enthusiasm into consideration. If you feel I could be valuable to your team, please do not hesitate to contact me through my email at rida9503@student.ubc.ca.


Rida Irshad


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301 Rida Irshad Application Letter