Unit Two Reflection Blog

by RidaIrshad

LinkedIn Profile

The process of doing research on best practices of LinkedIn was very interesting. Being in the dental field, social media networks such as LinkedIn are rarely used. I had very little knowledge about LinkedIn and was unaware of all the other perks of joining this professional social media network. During my research, I learned so much about this platform and felt intrigued to join. Creating such a platform allows professionals to represent themselves and gives them an opportunity to display all that they can offer. It is a great space for networking and having an online community of other professionals that you can interact with and expand your social and professional life.

Formal Report

The topic I chose to do my research and formal report on came quite naturally to me. The topic I chose was “Increasing Community Oral Hygiene Programs Tailored to Individuals with Special Needs.” It is a subject that I often wander about and can empathize with patients or their care takers that I see in my clinic on a regular basis. I often feel that an hour appointment with only five to ten minutes of remaining time to go over home instructions for their oral health every 6 months or more is not nearly enough time to educate our special needs care patients. Therefore, I felt that this is a topic of interest to me and can be useful in real life in most communities. The research for this assignment will be a new experience for me. Prior to this course, I had never created a survey or interview questions to be used for research. Once all my data is gathered, I plan to use the outline for my formal report that I have created to ensure all aspects of the assignment and research is completed and thoroughly analyzed for my report.

Peer Review Process

Completing a peer review for my partner for the proposal was a good learning experience as this time around the process of doing the peer review was a little more detailed. I had an opportunity to review my partner’s proposal first then review each section of the proposal separately. This allowed me to be more detailed with the review process and I was also able to give more positive feedback for each section. Using this method of completing the peer review, allows the partner being reviewed to recognize which section of the proposal needs more attention – as most likely that section pertaining to the formal report may require more details as well.

Reviewing Team’s Writing

Reading and reviewing my teams writing through the team forum has taught me a lot. I can see that some team members are stronger in writing skills while some are exceptional at keeping their writing assignments well organized and easy to follow. Reviewing others work also allows me to reflect on my own writing. What can I learn from them? How can I organize my writing so the reader can follow my train of thought? I am also attempting to switch my writing tone from a more casual conversation tone to a professional writer’s tone. Completing peer reviews has impacted my writing because I now write with an audience in mind. I want to assure that my readers can understand my thoughts clearly and concisely.


Revised Proposal: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl30198a2022s12/2022/07/18/revised-proposal-rida/

Peer Review Received: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl30198a2022s12/2022/07/01/rida-irshad-peer-reviewed-by-izabel-lopez/