Rikh's Blog

Why is the iPad popular?

September 28th, 2011 · No Comments

Many people ask, ‘why is the iPad so popular?” and “what makes it so popular?”. Well according to a BBC news article “iPad has ‘80% of North American tablet market”, there are several reasons.

Firstly the article mentions a strong brand name. The brand name Apple has become one of the most well known brands to date. A huge part of making the company known was through marketing. Apple marketed itself to manufacture the first personal computer ahead of its rival Microsoft. However in more recent times a large part of their branding arose from how efficient their products worked and how user-friendly they are. This is in contrast to the other competitors such as Windows which is seen as unreliable. The video from the link below demonstrates Apple’s effective marketing strategy by mocking the fragile performance of the Windows OS.


Moreover riding on Apple’s good reputation, the iPad is the most portable and light tablet in its range. Apple is a leader in innovating consumer products that are mobile and don’t cost very much. Unfortunately other rival companies are pitching their products on the iPad’s downfall which is that Adobe ‘flash’ is not compatible with its software. According to the article, Amazon which shares a similar reputation with Apple is set to release a tablet soon. If that tablet can accommodate more than the iPad, Apple could see a huge market share loss to Amazon. Consequently Apple cannot afford to be complacent and would need to improve its 3rd Generation iPad to once again dominate the tablet industry in this every-growing consumer electronics market.



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