I refer to Ivan Chan’s article ‘Moral Conscience of the swoosh’ where he describes the way in which Nike exploits cheap labor to manufacture their goods which brings me to a question, “how many of us really know how our favorite brands manufacture their products?”. More often than not, Nike advertisements do incorporate a sense of corporate social responsibility like cancer awareness. However, what is the point of that when they pay their workers wages less than minimum wage. Many people do not know that Nike is not the only sports equipment retailer that does that. That is why I do agree with Ivan because, all their marketing and advertising to present a socially responsible company goes down the drain when the true facts are revealed on how unethical their methods of production are. Therefore a better way to clean up their image as a company as well as become more socially responsible and ethical, they should revise their methods of production so that the people would truly appreciate the company for what it is.
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