The article above discusses how drug manufacturers are pushing products aimed at men with “low testosterone”, despite the questionable claim that this is actually a problem among middle-aged men.
The companies that manufacture this product have two possible strategies. Manufacture this product for a short period, until consumers catch on and stop buying, or keep selling this product like it has a viable market so people begin believing it. Either way,” Low-T gel” is ethically questionable as a product.
The medical professionals quoted in the article are in agreement that there is no psychological or biological norm among middle age men for testosterone levels. They also agree that the mentioned health problems are not a result of low testosterone. So the drug companies who manufacture t-gel are not curing symptoms with their product, which in my opinion is the same as lying.
I feel that the gels are unethical products to sell, and I hope consumers realize this. The companies have already made a profit on selling this, so if I were them I would take the money and run. Stop producing the product before you get a misinformation lawsuit on your hands. But fortunately I’m not a scumbag, so I don’t have to make that decision.