Microsoft abandons Web Development

I was originally going to write about Microsoft’s buyout of Nokia, but I found this much more interesting.

I agree with the author’s sentiment that this is plain idiocy and Microsoft’s part. Why would MS assume that they will be able to get by on Windows 8 apps alone? Most of the world still operates on Windows XP, and according to the article below, Windows 7 is still selling better than 8 by leaps and bounds. You know, the operating system that DOESN’T use gimmicky apps for internet browsing?

This is a bad business decision for Microsoft. They put too much faith that Windows 8 would sell like hotcakes, disregarding the fact that most people are happy with former Windows OS’s that use traditional internet browsers. There was no reason for them to kill off their web development team, when according to the original author’s article Expression Web was a fantastic program. What MS should have done is actually market the product. I’ve talked to so many tech savvy friends who never heard of Expression Web until I told them. If the software had sold more, then Microsoft would have had a huge foot in the door of Web Development, because they had a well designed program in a growing market.