Netflix’s T.V. Revivals

The following article talks about how Netflix is acquiring discontinued T.V. shows in order to attract more subscribers.

The Killing is the most recent example of Netflix’s strategy of restarting discontinued T.V. series. The company did the same thing with Arrested Development earlier this year. I had never even heard of Arrested Development until Netflix announced they were producing new episodes. And from what I saw, people were excited for it. Even my mother who had never seen the show.

What Netflix has discovered is a cost effective way of securing new subscribers for their online streaming service. The fans of cult T.V. hits like The Killing and Arrested Development wish to see these shows continued. So Netflix acquires the rights to produce more episodes and only airs them on Netflix. And according to the article, it seems to be an effective way of attracting new subscribers.

I bring this up because of the class activity we had a while back, in which we were to advise Netflix on what their strategy would be to grow. The students acting as the board of directors disregarded the group pushing for producing original content, because they thought it was too risky.

It seems the actual Netflix thought otherwise. And it seems they thought right.