Twitter IPO success vs. Facebook’s failure initially

I personally didn’t expect Twitter’s share to jumps so high after its initial public offering. Facebook had its ipo in May 2012  and they expected their share to be around $30 yet it dropped to around $26 in the first week! Twitter saw no repeat of this:

It opened at $26 and went up 73% to $45. I feel that Twitter is still attracting new users hence generating greater revenues from advertising unlike Facebook even a year ago. Twitter and its investors also learned from Facebook’s IPO. It can be said that Twitter were more conservative by setting the initial stock price low unlike Facebook who set the bar quite high at that time.

Twitter possesses the potential to become as big a profile as Google or what Facebook is now. They have the users and the love that makes it an everyday medium for socializers. Although this may be true, they may not have a concrete business strategy with its, in my opinion, ‘messy’ user-interface. We can only wait and see what happens to the media site?

Google: The Sole Leader

Google has grown vastly over the last 5 years without a doubt. Releasing Smartphone software, online applications and innovational products:  it has become the most expensive stock in the world.

Recently, outgoing Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said “they have this incredible, amazing, dare I say monopoly that we are the only person left on the planet trying to compete with.” In a way he could be right. With google looking to bring the future to the present we see that this is true. A monopoly is market structure that should not be influenced. It allows one firm to dominate a certain market.

Google has certainly brought itself up from just a search engine to creating Android, taking over Youtube, bringing out new online applications such as Google drive and so on. It deserves to be at the top. I do not think it has a monopoly as companies like Apple and Microsoft itself control a big proportion of the market too. During the late 20th century Microsoft was accused of playing a sort of monopoly, its ironic that their representatives in 2013 are now doing the same.

Apple’s release of the new iPhones


Apple’s release of the new Iphones

Every year, Apple launches a new iPhone and this year they launched two. Well, 9 million units of the iPhones were sold in their first weekend! Android continues its domination as the leading smartphone OS, although Apple’s iOS looks to have gained back some of the market share with their new phones.

As a current user of iPhone 5, I fail to see a significant change in the new models: 5s and 5c. It comes with some new features, such as the new OS, a better processor and the different colours. This offers buyers nothing more that wasn’t already on the previous model. It isn’t cheap either. You can get a Samsung or HTC for a much cheaper price with features that exceed those of the iPhone. Then why is there so much excitement? Apple products are ‘fashionable’. It has created a brand image which is simple, user friendly and efficient. It has become a lifestyle even though it is not the best on the market.



Not so thriving now BB

Not so long ago BlackBerry was thriving in the smartphone market, yet recently there has been much talk about their tough financial situation. Lack of success in the innovation of their new phones has led to major losses to the company causing shares to drop dramatically, especially with high levels of competition from Apple and Samsung.

They have been thrown ‘lifelines’ with full or partial buyouts by companies such as Google, Cisco, Fairfax and a few others. It is possible that the company will now become private. Although it may not be the best solution, as the new owners may only seek to sell their patent portfolio. I think Blackberry should continue to attract investors by focusing on its network and security software. This gives them a smaller scale of consumers (businesses, corporate firms etc). This business strategy may bring them back to their feet and from there they can expand further to compete with the bigger technology companies.




The news of the world and its employees were quite rightly accused of engaging in phone hacking of celebrities, politicians and the Royal Family. This had taken place over the last decade in the pursuit of publishing stories in the tabloid. Media ethics in all forms had diminished especially in the UK. Rupert Murdoch, had built an empire without an ethical foundation in order to run a business. It is said to be unethical in the sense that it was corrupt. It raises big questions of confidentiality which has lowered the standards of journalism. The intentions of the tabloid are quite clear; like any other business, they wanted to create a big consumer base which allows them to profit. By having the ‘news first’ they looked to create a brand image. In today’s environment, competition on every corner, more and more people look to unethical business conduct in order to succeed. Personal greed in businesses is probably the biggest factor of unethical business conduct. People fail to see the consequences of this behaviour and the advantages of business ethics. Gaining customer loyalty and brand image is key as well giving stakeholders a better company image.