Microsoft operates downsizing

Microsoft Company announced that they reduced about 3000 posts and finished its downsizing plan. Among the 18 thousand retrenched staffs, about 12500 staffs come from the Nokia mobile phone department which was bought at the beginning of the year. As the biggest software company in the world, after finishing it downsizing plan, its still has 110 thousand staffs. The chief executive officer of Microsoft Company said that downsizing is an important measure for Microsoft to adjust its strategic direction, and is also for helping the company to move forward much flexibly and rapidly.


Microsoft Company’s downsizing is not accidental, but the result of cautious consideration and analysis. For a company, the strategy of downsizing is significant for its development, so the management level must analyze its situation carefully, including its internal and external environment, such as politic, economic, social, technology and law factors. In addition, they also should analyze their advantages, weakness, opportunities and threat, so as to help them to make correct decisions for the company. Microsoft Company’s downsizing is the result of its management level’s careful discussion and analysis on the company’s each aspect, and is also the reflection of Microsoft’s adjustment on its strategic direction. The downsizing measure may make Microsoft Company simplified and strengthen its management level, and finally push its productivity and influence.


“Microsoft operates downsizing” Oct. 31. 2014. . Oct. 31. 2014

First Nations: An External Factor for Businesses

On Oct. 4th, Dasiqox Tribal Park was formally unveiled by First Nation Tsilhqot’in people, titling to 1,750 square kilometres of land west of Williams Lake. As the natives have always been advocating their First Nation Rights of hunting, fishing and living while opposing to mining actions, the land declared by the natives purposely includes the Taseko Mines Ltd.’s Fish Lake property.

The article demonstrates a good example of how First Nations could be a potential external threat for businesses. According to the Aboriginal Rights, natives have the right to occupy their own home territories; which means, this action made by the natives is totally legal and reasonable. For the businesses, this task is indeed detrimental for developing future projects. In addition, a long-term partnership between the two groups would also be no longer tangible.

To help with the current situation, some tips could be given by using the class knowledge. First of all, protection to the fish habitat should be ensured prior to all future mining projects. Moreover, job opportunities should be offered primarily to the local natives who might be interested in working in both areas, thus leading to a better partnership development.

Work Cited:

Pynn, Larry. “Tsilhqot’in Set to Declare Site of New Prosperity Mine a Tribal Park.” VancouverSun. Postmedia Network Inc., 11 Sept. 2014. Web. 05 Oct. 2014. <>.

“Aboriginal Rights.” Aboriginal Rights. Web. 5 Oct. 2014. <>.


New Gourmet Burger in Australia’s McDonald’s

In North America, McDonald’s is recognized as one of the most popular fast-food chain; yet lacking in innovation has always been its internal weakness. However, “Not all McDonald’s are created equal.”

McDonald’s in western Sydney has recently unveiled an upgraded ordering approach which features a touch screen displaying 19 options for different ingredients and toppings. In addition to burger preferences, in-store seating locations are also selectable on the touch screen. McDonald’s takes customers’ preferences into account with this new customization technique, which would be an internal strength thus reinforces its customer relations.

Even though the touch screen ordering menu is still on the testing stage, it would spread nationwide if consumers respond well. I find it interesting to visualize McDonald’s marketing tactic if Gourmet Burger becomes popularized. Indeed, it would be the new focus in marketing as its uniqueness could let McDonald’s to surpass the rest of the competitors in the industry. With all points of parities such as internet access that are being almost universal in every relative companies, Gourmet Burger could stand out to be a point of difference that makes McDonald’s a viable competitor.

Work Sited:

Koerber, Brian. “McDonald’s Unveils New Gourmet Burger Menu in Australia.” Mashable. Mashable Inc., 4 Oct. 2014. Web. 04 Oct. 2014. <>.

Chinese Buyers Craving For iPhone 6

Since China is one of the primary target markets of Apple, the delay of the iPhone 6 launch due to government regulatory problems not only cuts Apple’s revenue but it is also detrimental for gaining new followers. According to TianYe’s blog about the current situation in the Chinese Apple market, it is essential for Apple to always keep an eye on government policies of the target market countries. Personally I concur with this statement as Apple is drastically losing its market shares in mainland China from 13.2 percent to 5.6 percent for Apple’s iOS accounts.

In addition, the price of the iPhone 6 in the black market has dramatically dropped after the first week of selling. Due to the new iPhone’s unstable system, easily bendable frame and its incompatibility with China’s 4G network, the selling price dropped from ~$2,700 US dollars to ~6,500 rmb (approximately $1,060 US dollars). The unexpected low demand results in a supply chain surplus, thus most iPhone dealers who smuggle iPhone 6s from other countries to China now begin to lose money.

The chain reaction of losing money couldn’t have been an outcome if Apple overcomes the issues with the Chinese government when launching the new iPhone. The best way for Apple to avoid similar loss is to reinforce the customer relationship as well as building strong partnership with Chinese cellphone carriers as TianYe stated. Moreover, Apple should be cautious about their value prepositions, in this case the frame of the new iPhone, to prevent external threats such as “bendable phone” rumors.

Work Sited:

Campbell, Mikey. “Apple to Reportedly Miss Internal Launch Target for Chinese IPhone 6.” Appleinsider. 2014, Quiller Media, Inc., 10 Sept. 2014. Web. 04 Oct. 2014. <>.

Guo, TianYe. “SWOT- “BIGGER AND BETTER”.” Tianye Guos Blog. 2014Tianye Guo’s Blog, 20 Sept. 2014. Web. 04 Oct. 2014. <>.

Villapaz, Luke. “Apple Delays IPhone 6 Launch In China, Its Most Challenging Market.” International Business Times. 2014 IBT Media Inc., 10 Sept. 2014. Web. 04 Oct. 2014. <>.

Reisinger, Don. “Prices Drop for IPhone 6 Devices Smuggled into China — Report – CNET.” CNET. CBS Interactive Inc., 29 Sept. 2014. Web. 04 Oct. 2014. <>.


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