Microsoft operates downsizing

Microsoft Company announced that they reduced about 3000 posts and finished its downsizing plan. Among the 18 thousand retrenched staffs, about 12500 staffs come from the Nokia mobile phone department which was bought at the beginning of the year. As the biggest software company in the world, after finishing it downsizing plan, its still has 110 thousand staffs. The chief executive officer of Microsoft Company said that downsizing is an important measure for Microsoft to adjust its strategic direction, and is also for helping the company to move forward much flexibly and rapidly.


Microsoft Company’s downsizing is not accidental, but the result of cautious consideration and analysis. For a company, the strategy of downsizing is significant for its development, so the management level must analyze its situation carefully, including its internal and external environment, such as politic, economic, social, technology and law factors. In addition, they also should analyze their advantages, weakness, opportunities and threat, so as to help them to make correct decisions for the company. Microsoft Company’s downsizing is the result of its management level’s careful discussion and analysis on the company’s each aspect, and is also the reflection of Microsoft’s adjustment on its strategic direction. The downsizing measure may make Microsoft Company simplified and strengthen its management level, and finally push its productivity and influence.


“Microsoft operates downsizing” Oct. 31. 2014. . Oct. 31. 2014

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