
side view turbulence disturbance is essential for learning… when we are questioning our minds are searching for an answer… we are active

river turbulence whitewater is full of air… it is no longer smooth and comfortable… air is essential for fish to breathe and the cleaning of the river.

I chose this metaphor because this week had a great deal of uplifting and emotional turmoil of our minds. We studied themes under the realm of Social Justice. We heard stories from Dr. Wetterstrand and from our colleagues. I learned mostly through dialogue with colleagues. Our group chose the issue of multiculturalism because of the diversity within our group. Hearing personal stories of bullying and discrimination was emotional yet memorable. As our group shared we became closer. Sometimes it felt uncomfortable watching touching movies such as  “Bully” where children were in difficult situations sometimes beyond their control. I began to wonder ‘how can I increase the confidence of those who are victims?’ and ‘how can I increase the empathy of the perpetrator?’. Our world needs more compassion.

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