Message for my fellow teammates

Dear all,

Hope you are doing well. I am writing to you today in hopes of joining your team and collaborating with like minded individuals such as you. I am an avid reader and writer. While my main focus of writing has always been creative non-fiction, I took this course to venture out and improve my technical writing skills. I know the expectancy that comes with a corporate position and the syntax, code of conduct, phrasing that is vital in professional communication.

I am incredibly passionate about music, and have had the privilege to see many of my favourite artists in concert. I do not have a particular genre of interest, I like what I l like and that is how it has always been. Furthermore, I am also passionate about individuals and society. Understanding behaviours is a significant aspect of my degree, as a psychology major, which is why I love striking a conversation anywhere I can. I believe a smile and how are you doing goes a long way in forming deep, interpersonal relationships that are important for both personal and professional development. I took this course in order to convey myself better in professional settings. Lastly, I am really looking forward to getting to know you all and join your team. Here’s to a great semester ahead of us!

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