Unit 3 Reflection Blog

Unit 3 of the course was an exciting and challenging stage of the formal report project, as it involved drafting a formal outline and submitting it to my writing team for feedback. This step helped me to organise my thoughts and ideas more effectively and identify any potential gaps in my research.

One of the most beneficial aspects of this unit was the opportunity to access and work through the resources provided by UBC’s Career Services website. This site proved to be an invaluable tool for locating a suitable job advertisement and designing and writing a full job application package for posting to my Web Folio. As I worked through the materials, I learned about the key elements of a successful job application, including how to tailor my resume and cover letter to the specific job requirements.

Alternatively, the option to apply for an international volunteer position or graduate school was also provided. This was a great opportunity to practice writing a different type of application and explore other potential paths for my future career.

Overall, this unit challenged me to think more critically about my writing and to hone my skills in researching, organising, and presenting information in a professional manner. The feedback I received from my writing team was invaluable in helping me to refine my ideas and improve my writing. I look forward to applying the skills I learned in this unit to future writing projects and job applications.

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