Unit 2 Reflection Blog

Process of Creating a Linkedin Profile

The second unit of ENG301 Technical Writing class taught me the importance of creating and optimizing a LinkedIn profile. Before the assignment, I had a LinkedIn profile that was incomplete and not regularly used. However, I realized the significance of having a complete and positive online presence after learning about the best practices for LinkedIn.

Connecting with relevant people, joining LinkedIn groups, engaging with connections, creating valuable content, using LinkedIn’s messaging feature wisely, attending LinkedIn events, using LinkedIn’s job search feature, and providing and asking for recommendations are all crucial components of a successful LinkedIn profile.

This assignment has changed my attitude towards LinkedIn, and I am now actively using the site to expand my network and job prospects. The practical knowledge and skills gained in this class will undoubtedly help me enhance my professional career.

Process of Preparing Report Proposal and Outline

The second unit of ENG 301 comprised of developing our long term project, the formal research report. Ideating a proposal was initially very overwhelming as there was so much to explore and learn but also a lot of topics were already well done. I wanted my topic to coincide with an issue that is often marginalised and easily overlooked because not everyone experiences. As a Residence Advisor, I saw multiple residents struggle with food options across dining halls. From limited vegan options, to no halal meat, UBC food and nutrition really needed to increase inclusivity. On particular day, I was having lunch with my fellow Residence Advisor, who practices Islam and was planning to fast for the month of the Ramadan. I asked him how he was feeling as it can be very strenuous, from what I have heard, and that is when he explained all his nutritional concerns to me. UBC does not accommodate any meals for the month of Ramadan. The dining halls open at 7am and my coworker told me that they are supposed to eat a meal before the sun comes up to commence their fast. This was not possible due to UBC’s dining hall timings. Upon research, this has been a pressing issue in many other international universities, and not just a UBC problem. Having that particular conversation with my coworker sparked an interest in me and decided to pursue it as my research report topic.

I was able to complete my proposal, my outline, and my progress report. After gathering and analyzing the necessary information, I structured and organised the report in a logical and persuasive manner. This likely involved multiple drafts and revisions, as well as feedback from peers and instructors. Overall, the process of writing a formal research report can be challenging, but ultimately rewarding. It requires a combination of critical thinking, research skills, and effective communication to produce a high-quality report that addresses an important issue and makes a valuable contribution to the field.

Peer Review Process

Peer review is an essential component of the writing process, particularly when it comes to formal research reports. As the writer of a report, it can be challenging to identify all of the potential errors, biases, and gaps in logic that may be present in the document. This is where peer review comes in, as it provides an opportunity for other individuals to read and evaluate the report in order to identify any areas that require improvement.In my own experience, peer review was an incredibly valuable tool in helping me to improve my formal research report. One of the main benefits of peer review was the ability to receive feedback from individuals with different perspectives and levels of expertise. This helped me to identify areas where my report may have been unclear or where I could have provided additional evidence to support my claims. In particular, my peers were able to highlight any areas where my arguments may have been weakened by logical fallacies or incomplete data analysis.

Another benefit of peer review was the opportunity to receive constructive criticism that helped me to improve my writing style and tone. This feedback was particularly useful in areas where I may have been using overly complex language or making assumptions that were not clearly stated in the report.Perhaps most importantly, peer review helped me to improve my report by identifying areas where I may have overlooked potential biases or conflicts of interest. This allowed me to revise my report in order to ensure that it was as objective and impartial as possible.

Overall, I found that peer review was an essential tool in helping me to produce a high-quality formal research report. By receiving constructive feedback from individuals with different perspectives, expertise, and writing styles, I was able to identify areas for improvement and make necessary revisions that ultimately resulted in a stronger, more effective report.

Link to revised definition: https://blogs.ubc.ca/riyakathuria/2023/03/18/revised-report-proposal/


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