
Unit 3 Reflection Blog

Unit 3 of the course was an exciting and challenging stage of the formal report project, as it involved drafting a formal outline and submitting it to my writing team for feedback. This step helped me to organise my thoughts and ideas more effectively and identify any potential gaps in my research.

One of the most beneficial aspects of this unit was the opportunity to access and work through the resources provided by UBC’s Career Services website. This site proved to be an invaluable tool for locating a suitable job advertisement and designing and writing a full job application package for posting to my Web Folio. As I worked through the materials, I learned about the key elements of a successful job application, including how to tailor my resume and cover letter to the specific job requirements.

Alternatively, the option to apply for an international volunteer position or graduate school was also provided. This was a great opportunity to practice writing a different type of application and explore other potential paths for my future career.

Overall, this unit challenged me to think more critically about my writing and to hone my skills in researching, organising, and presenting information in a professional manner. The feedback I received from my writing team was invaluable in helping me to refine my ideas and improve my writing. I look forward to applying the skills I learned in this unit to future writing projects and job applications.

Unit 2 Reflection Blog

Process of Creating a Linkedin Profile

The second unit of ENG301 Technical Writing class taught me the importance of creating and optimizing a LinkedIn profile. Before the assignment, I had a LinkedIn profile that was incomplete and not regularly used. However, I realized the significance of having a complete and positive online presence after learning about the best practices for LinkedIn.

Connecting with relevant people, joining LinkedIn groups, engaging with connections, creating valuable content, using LinkedIn’s messaging feature wisely, attending LinkedIn events, using LinkedIn’s job search feature, and providing and asking for recommendations are all crucial components of a successful LinkedIn profile.

This assignment has changed my attitude towards LinkedIn, and I am now actively using the site to expand my network and job prospects. The practical knowledge and skills gained in this class will undoubtedly help me enhance my professional career.

Process of Preparing Report Proposal and Outline

The second unit of ENG 301 comprised of developing our long term project, the formal research report. Ideating a proposal was initially very overwhelming as there was so much to explore and learn but also a lot of topics were already well done. I wanted my topic to coincide with an issue that is often marginalised and easily overlooked because not everyone experiences. As a Residence Advisor, I saw multiple residents struggle with food options across dining halls. From limited vegan options, to no halal meat, UBC food and nutrition really needed to increase inclusivity. On particular day, I was having lunch with my fellow Residence Advisor, who practices Islam and was planning to fast for the month of the Ramadan. I asked him how he was feeling as it can be very strenuous, from what I have heard, and that is when he explained all his nutritional concerns to me. UBC does not accommodate any meals for the month of Ramadan. The dining halls open at 7am and my coworker told me that they are supposed to eat a meal before the sun comes up to commence their fast. This was not possible due to UBC’s dining hall timings. Upon research, this has been a pressing issue in many other international universities, and not just a UBC problem. Having that particular conversation with my coworker sparked an interest in me and decided to pursue it as my research report topic.

I was able to complete my proposal, my outline, and my progress report. After gathering and analyzing the necessary information, I structured and organised the report in a logical and persuasive manner. This likely involved multiple drafts and revisions, as well as feedback from peers and instructors. Overall, the process of writing a formal research report can be challenging, but ultimately rewarding. It requires a combination of critical thinking, research skills, and effective communication to produce a high-quality report that addresses an important issue and makes a valuable contribution to the field.

Peer Review Process

Peer review is an essential component of the writing process, particularly when it comes to formal research reports. As the writer of a report, it can be challenging to identify all of the potential errors, biases, and gaps in logic that may be present in the document. This is where peer review comes in, as it provides an opportunity for other individuals to read and evaluate the report in order to identify any areas that require improvement.In my own experience, peer review was an incredibly valuable tool in helping me to improve my formal research report. One of the main benefits of peer review was the ability to receive feedback from individuals with different perspectives and levels of expertise. This helped me to identify areas where my report may have been unclear or where I could have provided additional evidence to support my claims. In particular, my peers were able to highlight any areas where my arguments may have been weakened by logical fallacies or incomplete data analysis.

Another benefit of peer review was the opportunity to receive constructive criticism that helped me to improve my writing style and tone. This feedback was particularly useful in areas where I may have been using overly complex language or making assumptions that were not clearly stated in the report.Perhaps most importantly, peer review helped me to improve my report by identifying areas where I may have overlooked potential biases or conflicts of interest. This allowed me to revise my report in order to ensure that it was as objective and impartial as possible.

Overall, I found that peer review was an essential tool in helping me to produce a high-quality formal research report. By receiving constructive feedback from individuals with different perspectives, expertise, and writing styles, I was able to identify areas for improvement and make necessary revisions that ultimately resulted in a stronger, more effective report.

Link to revised definition: https://blogs.ubc.ca/riyakathuria/2023/03/18/revised-report-proposal/


Revised Report Proposal


Ramadan is a significant religious event for Muslims worldwide. During this period, Muslims observe fasting, which involves abstaining from food and drink from dawn until dusk. However, Muslim students at UBC face several challenges as they try to balance their academic commitments with their religious obligations. This research proposal aims to investigate the feasibility of implementing Ramadan meals accommodation for UBC students during the month of Ramadan.

Intended Audience

This research proposal is intended for the administration of the University of British Columbia (UBC), especially those in charge of student affairs, dining services, and student wellness. It is also relevant for Muslim student organizations and other stakeholders who are concerned with promoting inclusivity and religious diversity on campus.

Statement of Problem

Muslim students at UBC who observe Ramadan encounter several challenges during the month-long fasting period. They may have difficulty concentrating in class or participating in extracurricular activities due to low energy levels from fasting. Moreover, finding appropriate food options during non-fasting hours can be a challenge, as not all dining facilities on campus provide halal options or foods suitable for those observing Ramadan. Additionally, students may feel isolated and excluded from campus life during this period, especially if there are no opportunities to connect with other Muslim students and celebrate Ramadan together.

Proposed Solution

The proposed solution is to provide Ramadan meals accommodation for UBC students during the month of Ramadan. This would involve offering halal meal options at UBC dining facilities during non-fasting hours and setting up communal iftars (breaking of the fast meals) for Muslim students to gather and celebrate together. This solution aims to promote inclusivity and diversity on campus by providing an environment that supports the religious needs of Muslim students.


The proposed research aims to explore the feasibility and potential impact of implementing Ramadan Meals Accommodation for UBC students. To accomplish this goal, the following areas of inquiry will be investigated:

  1. The current level of awareness and support for Ramadan among the UBC student community.
  2. The dietary needs and preferences of Muslim students during Ramadan, including the types of food and drinks they consume and the timing and frequency of meals.
  3. The challenges Muslim students face in accessing suitable meals during Ramadan, such as limited food options on campus and conflicting schedules with prayer times.
  4. The potential benefits and drawbacks of implementing Ramadan Meals Accommodation for UBC students, including the impact on student well-being, academic performance, and campus diversity and inclusivity.
  5. The most effective methods to communicate information about Ramadan Meals Accommodation to UBC students, including advertising and outreach strategies.
  6. The ethical considerations and potential barriers to implementing Ramadan Meals Accommodation, such as budget constraints, logistical challenges, and cultural sensitivity.

The research will be conducted through surveys, focus groups, and interviews with UBC students, as well as consultations with experts in Islamic studies and campus dining services. The scope of the research will be limited to the UBC student population and will not extend to other campuses or communities.


The proposed research will be conducted through a mixed-methods approach that includes both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. Qualitative data will be collected through focus groups with Muslim students at UBC to gather insights into their experiences observing Ramadan on campus, their needs and preferences for Ramadan meals accommodation, and their suggestions for implementation. Quantitative data will be collected through surveys distributed to the broader UBC student population to assess their attitudes towards Ramadan meals accommodation and their willingness to support such an initiative. Cost-benefit analysis and feasibility assessments will also be conducted.

My Qualifications

As a psychology major, I have conducted extensive research on inclusivity in POC and inter-generational immigrant trauma. This research proposal draws on my knowledge of diversity and inclusivity issues on university campuses, as well as my understanding of how religious identity intersects with mental health.


I was not able to receive peer review feedback from my teammates but I tried to better it on my own.


Unit One Reflection Blog

Writing the first draft on technical definition

Writing the original assignment on demand generation strategy was an enlightening experience for me. I learned a lot about the different techniques and strategies that companies use to generate leads and attract new customers. Through researching and writing about the topic, I gained a better understanding of the importance of demand generation and how it fits into the larger marketing landscape.

One of the most challenging aspects of original writing was organizing my thoughts and ideas. I found that creating an outline before writing helped me to stay focused and keep my thoughts organized. Additionally, I learned the importance of researching and citing credible sources to support my ideas and arguments.

Furthemore, when it comes to original writing, I learned that it’s important to take the time to plan out what I want to say before I start writing. This can help ensure that my writing is clear and coherent, and that I stay on topic. It’s also important to consider the audience for the writing, as this can help me tailor my language and tone to be most effective. In the case of the assignment on demand generation strategies, I found it helpful to think about the key points I wanted to cover and to organize my thoughts into an outline before I began writing.

Peer Review Process

The peer review process was a valuable experience for me as a writer. Having someone else review my work and provide constructive feedback helped me to see my writing from a different perspective. Through the feedback I received, I was able to identify areas for improvement in my writing, such as clarity, organization, and structure.

I also realised how important it is to be receptive to feedback and constructive criticism. While it can be difficult to receive feedback on something you have put a lot of time and effort into, it is essential for improving your writing and producing high-quality work. Finally, in the editing process, I understood the significance of taking the time to review and revise my work. This involved going through my writing with a critical eye, looking for errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling, as well as evaluating the overall structure and organization of the piece. It’s also important to give myself enough time to step away from the writing before beginning the editing process, as this can help me approach the piece with fresh eyes and spot mistakes I may have missed when I was too close to the writing.

Editing and Revision Process:

The editing process was a crucial step in refining my original draft. By carefully reviewing my work and making revisions, I was able to improve the overall quality of my writing. One of the most important lessons I learned during the editing process was the importance of being thorough and detail-oriented. It can be easy to overlook small errors or typos, but taking the time to review and revise every sentence can greatly improve the clarity and effectiveness of your writing.

In addition to reviewing for errors and typos, I also focused on improving the overall flow and coherence of my writing. I found that reading my work out loud and revising for clarity and concision helped me to create a more polished and effective final draft. Overall, I found this assignment to be a valuable learning experience. By working on my original writing, receiving feedback from peers, and taking the time to edit and revise my work, I was able to improve my writing skills and produce a more polished and effective piece of writing.

When I received Brian’s feedback review, it was very helpful to have someone else’s perspective on my work. Brian pointed out some areas where I needed to clarify my ideas, and where I could expand on certain points to better support my argument. For example, he suggested that I needed to provide more detail in your section on the benefits of demand generation, and recommended that I include specific examples of how businesses have used this strategy to increase sales.

Additionally, Brian’s review helped me to identify some areas where I needed to work on my writing style. He pointed out some awkward phrasing and unclear sentences, which allowed me to go back and revise those sections to make them more concise and easier to understand. For instance, he pointed out that the concluding paragraph needed to be rephrased to better summarize the main points of the paper.

Overall, Brian’s feedback review was crucial in helping me to improve my assignment. By taking his suggestions into consideration, I was able to clarify my ideas and strengthen my argument. His comments also helped me become more aware of certain writing habits that I need to work on in the future, such as using more concrete examples to support my points and being more concise in my writing.

Link to revised definition:Revised Definition

Link to Brian’s peer review: 1.3 Peer Review Report

Message for my fellow teammates

Dear all,

Hope you are doing well. I am writing to you today in hopes of joining your team and collaborating with like minded individuals such as you. I am an avid reader and writer. While my main focus of writing has always been creative non-fiction, I took this course to venture out and improve my technical writing skills. I know the expectancy that comes with a corporate position and the syntax, code of conduct, phrasing that is vital in professional communication.

I am incredibly passionate about music, and have had the privilege to see many of my favourite artists in concert. I do not have a particular genre of interest, I like what I l like and that is how it has always been. Furthermore, I am also passionate about individuals and society. Understanding behaviours is a significant aspect of my degree, as a psychology major, which is why I love striking a conversation anywhere I can. I believe a smile and how are you doing goes a long way in forming deep, interpersonal relationships that are important for both personal and professional development. I took this course in order to convey myself better in professional settings. Lastly, I am really looking forward to getting to know you all and join your team. Here’s to a great semester ahead of us!


Hello Everyone,

My name is Riya and I am a 4th year international student at UBC. I am studying psychology in the faculty of arts and am super excited to wrap up my degree and face the real world. I have an avid interest in understanding behaviours and trends. When I first joined UBC as a psychology major, I aspired to go on a conventional route and pursue graduate degrees to eventually land in the a field of clinical psychology. However, as my time at university passed, I concluded that my true passion is marketing and consumer behaviour. I integrated courses that designed my degree as such. I concentrated on social psychology courses, and also took a handful of marketing and creative writing courses.

An interesting fact about me is that I like to research on any new information I acquire. I am a firm believer in the phenomenon that there is something to learn from everybody, and as I learn more things, the more my curiosity rises. I am often called a “random fact girl” as I have a knowledge on multiple topics. I am extremely passionate about storytelling and hope to write a memoir one day.

A few morals I live by are, it takes a lot out of me to be rude to someone, whereas kindness comes more effortlessly. The power of kindness is something was instilled me in as a child and I strive to carry it forward and pass it on as much as I can. Second, sometimes people just want to feel heard. Providing support can truly mean just being present, without an opinion of your own. These morals have shaped my personality and hope to implement in my professional career as my personal agenda includes working for social causes like harm reduction, battered women, and many many more.



Letter of Application

Dear ENG301 Student Fraternity,

301 Riya Kathuria Application Letter.docx   

I am writing to express my interest in joining the professional writing team for your English 301 Technical Writing class during the semester. As a psychology student, I possess robust analytical and writing capabilities that I believe would be a significant contribution to the team.

Marketing and interpersonal development are two of my professional passions. Additionally, my prior work experience in the service sector has honed my interpersonal and communicative skills, it also enables me to develop new insights while engaging with people from various backgrounds and in a multitude of difficult situations.

In terms of my writing abilities and work ethics, I consider myself to be a competent writer with a strong attention to detail. My goal is to consistently deliver high-quality work, and I am particularly adept at creative writing. However, I aim to improve my technical writing skills, recognising it as a crucial aspect of business communication. I sincerely believe that collaboration, brainstorming, and active listening create an environment where ideas can be transformed into tangible realities.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

email: riyakathuria@gmail.com


Riya Kathuria


Course Description and Expectations:

According to the course description, this course is designed to introduce us to the unique elements of writing in business, professional, and technical contexts. Through a combination of course readings, activities, and assignments, I believe we will have the opportunity to hone our skills in these areas and develop a strong understanding of the strategies and techniques used in these writing contexts. We will also engage in online discussion with our classmates and participate in peer review and document analysis to further deepen our understanding. Additionally, we will be directed to valuable resources through UBC’s Career Services unit and have the opportunity to create an online portfolio in the form of a LinkedIn profile and professional website. Moreover, the course aims to encourage self-reflection and the development of self-editing skills.

Additionally, I also hope to acquire necessary skills for coherent, concise and effective communication as that is the backbone for all organisational communication. Technical writing allows individuals to express in a professional manner to get their perspective across smoother, which is a strength in the corporate world. Building resume’s and learning the composition of business jargon will enable us to reach recruiters in our desired industries and help them understand our professional, academic and personality better.

Nevertheless, I am really looking forward to working with other individuals taking this course and collaborate with them on writing assignments so we can all implement changes in our style of writing for the better. I am a firm believer in teamwork and collaboration calls for different intellects creating high quality work. Lastly, this course highlights the significance of organisation, evidence, aiming for the appropriate audience and helps develop a distinctive style of writing based on the context and content of the message.


About me:

I am a Psychology major and Commerce minor student at the University of British Columbia, expecting to graduate in November 2023. I have received awards such as Outstanding International Student Award at UBC and Most Innovative Intern at Marketing Agency. I also have a strong background in marketing management, creative writing, and differential calculus.

I also have work experience as a Residence Advisor, Marketing Intern, Cashier, and Research and Analysis Intern. I believe my work experience showcases my skills in conflict management, event planning, team collaboration, market research, and customer service.

I have been avidly involved in community service all my life, having served as a Project Leader Volunteer at Agrasar Bachpan, where I organized book drives and taught children and revamping and building a small library for the children. I also have excellent Microsoft Office, MailChimp, customer service, and project management skills.

My interests include traveling, reading, writing, volunteering, marketing, and learning languages. I am proficient in Hindi, Punjabi, English, conversational Spanish, and American Sign Language.