Task 9: Golden Record Curation Network

Palladio produces a network of nodes, showing the connections between songs and song choices in our cohort for the Golden Record curation task. This analysis demonstrates some of the limitations of decontextualized data, it is difficult to make meaning of the data in Palladio, certainly it would be useless to anyone without access to, and background in Task 8. It is an undirected, weighted graph as referenced in the Week 9 materials (Systems Innovation, 2015).

However, if compared to search engine data as referenced in this week’s module, this data could be used to validate correlations and patterns among users in our cohort, analyzing our behaviours and preferences in this activity in relation to other online behaviours such as searches, website visits, and ad clicks.

It is also possible to imagine a world where over time this graph collected more and more data, and was then able to create more accurate and useful graphs, mapping out detailed connections between users and their behaviour. This is closer to how contemporary search engines and social media use big data.


Systems Innovation. (2015, April 18). Graph Theory Overview. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/82zlRaRUsaY

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