Noelle’s mode bending assignment was titled “Museum Guide” which immediately grabbed my attention, and I was wowed by the creative direction she has approached this task with.

While I chose to make a sensory soundboard of objects that others would have to guess in my bag, Noelle effectively tapped into several modalities in making a visual and an audio tour.

She remixed task 1 to illustrate how each object, an example of text technology is currently used and how it would be perceived in the future, whereas my central premise was to afford a new perspective to what objects could say about me and to find a common ground with others based on familiar sounds.

Noelle reasons that the “narrative, theme, or concept should drive the medium of the work,” and therefore opted to describe objects driven by the discussion questions in task 1(2021). Instead of describing how the contents of the bag would be viewed in the past she changed it to see how they would be seen in the future.  She truly pinned down the purpose of the task and had a guiding question to make her redesign meaningful.

One can see the effort and thought put into this task since the visual provided does resemble a display at a museum with exhibit numbers and clear labels with accompanying information about the year, country of origin and materials of the items.  Similarly, the audio guide is created with the museum space and tour in mind with fantastic attention to detail even including instructions to return audio devices at the end. Both are easy to access, view and listen to as well.