San Francisco Boycotts Apple Products – “Going Green” a Strong Selling Point

During early summer of 2012, Apple had sparked controversy and questioning yet again when it withdrew from EPEAT – an environmental ratings registry.

Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool highlights environmentally friendly products which makes buying green simple for consumers. Apple had withdrawn from this ratings registry which had then pushed the city of San Francisco to stop buying its computers.

According to Bob Mansfield, the Senior Vice President of Hardware Engineering at Apple, the company’s decision to remove its products from EPEAT was “a mistake” and in the article posted on the Apple website on July 13, 2012, Mansfield stated that “all eligible products are back on EPEAT.” Mansfield then continued to state Apple’s strong commitment to the environment, and that “Apple is dedicated to designing products that everyone can be proud to own and use.”

It is uncertain as to why Apple made the decision to withdraw in the first place. However, one thing is clear. “Green” is a strong selling point and a source of pride for companies as consumers were disappointed when Apple withdrew from EPEAT. The company recognized this and quickly righted it’s wrong.

In a 2008 Apple ad, Macbooks were marketed as the greenest laptop in the world.

Perhaps “going green”- a seemingly old incentive- is gaining momentum again. Consumers respond even stronger to what is environmentally friendly, and companies should recognize that “green” rids consumers of the guilt that accompanies harming the environment. People want to be proud of what they own; Apple’s marketing decision to stay with EPEAT will only help them.

Further Reading:

Mansfield, Bob. “The Environment.” Apple. Apple, 13 July 2012. Web. 09 Oct. 2012. <>.

“Apple Quits Environmental Registry, Gets S.F. Rebuke.” Market Day. N.p., 11 July 2012. Web. 09 Oct. 2012. <>.

Holland, James. “Apple Claims New MacBooks Are Greenest Laptops in the World.”Electricpig. N.p., 25 Nov. 2008. Web. 09 Oct. 2012. <>.

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