All Twinkies Go to Heaven: Death of an American Icon

The iconic puff pastry in all its glory.

Friday, November 16th will forever be known as the day that America’s favourite childhood
treat died. At 82 years old, the company Hostess’s most famous processed cream puff pastry snack lived a long and successful life; however the era of the Twinkie has come to a close.

Born in 1930, the iconic Twinkie quickly became a successful product. The Twinkie survived the Great Depression, 3 major wars and the crumbling of the Berlin Wall; however ultimately the Twinkie is now no longer due to labor problems in a company that had detrimental wages and benefit disputes which both allegedly lead the company into hundreds of millions of dollars in debt.

Consumers are heartbroken – especially the ones that grew up with the 4-inch-long sponge cake. Consumers need not worry, however. Hostess has put the Twinkie brand (along with Zingers and Fruit Pies etc) up for grabs so while century old company is going under, there is potential that the brands don’t have to.

Regardless, consumers are stocking up on Twinkies and other fan favourites that Hostess produces just in case they really won’t be available in the future.



The Orange & The Twinkie

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