Chile Supreme Court Orders Halt To Mine

Goldcorp, a major Canadian conglomerate, was ordered recently to shut down the companies mine in northern Chile.  The mine was met with opposition from local indigenous communities, who filed an appeal regarding the mine.  The supreme court recently upheld the appeal, forcing Goldcorp to redo the consultation process to gain the necessary environmental permits.  What this article proves is major companies now have to consult with indigenous communities, to receive approval on projects which take place within there territory.  The objective of a corporation is to generate profits, and the extra consultation process will cost the company both time and money.  It is vital for Goldcorp to meet with the Diaguita people, to build a good relationship and discuss economic and environmental issues.  Building good relationships with communities like the Diaguita, may be the only way companies like Goldcorp will be able to continue thriving in countries like Chile.  Consulting these communities will give mining companies a chance to prove they are in fact ethical, caring about all stakeholders views.  While mining proposals have been rejected more today then in the past, there is still vast opportunity in places like Chile, which currently has among the largest untapped gold reserves in the world.  No matter how environmentally conscious countries become, there will always be an industry for resource development.  With communities like the Diaguita having a greater influence on government grants for mining projects, it would be in the better interests of companies like Goldcorp, to start builiding good relationships with these people, in order to have a sustainable future.




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