Linking Assignment 3 Emoji Story

Find a link to Jamie Ashton’s Emoji Story task.

Jamie and I approached the actual task of writing an emoji story very similarly, however, she added links, videos, and sidenote stories that are so engaging for her readers.  First, I had no idea that BBC had a game show where people have to guess emoji stories weekly.  In approaching this task, I did search Google for emoji stories and found a few websites that helped me to prepare my emoji story.  Had I known about BBC, I may have tried to view some of these games on YouTube as well.

Jamie also included a personal sidenote story about repatriating to South Africa and instead of providing links to resources related to the task, provided links that detailed her travel adventure.  I think adding these personal stories is very creative and engaging.  I looked through Jamie’s other posts, and her posts are thoughtful, well written, and engaging.  Just as her post is for her emoji story task.  I like that she provides links, videos, and lots of photos to convey her ideas and provide resources to her readers.

Jamie and I are both using WordPress as our web authoring tool for this class.  However, she uses the theme Andres Norén and I use the theme WPshoppe.  I like the styling options of Linda’s theme and I think that the end-user interface is intuitive and visually appealing.

When you go to Jamie’s homepage her blog posts are listed in a grid with the title of the post, a graphic from within the post, and the first few words from her post.  You can scroll chronologically listed blog posts.  Once you click on a specific post, you can click the left arrow to go to the previous post or the right arrow to go to the next post.  Jamie has a menu at the top of her blog that connects you to other pages on her web space.  Jamie also titles her posts with the task number and the title of her post.  I think that this is very intuitive for this class and allows users visiting her webspace to easily find the posts for tasks she has completed.  Both of our web spaces are similar in that you land on my homepage and my blog posts are listed chronologically.  When you click on a specific post, you can also click on the previous post and the next post at the bottom of the page.  I’ve titled each post and excluded the task number from the title.  I think that the architecture of Jamie’s webspace is set up well and speaks to the design literacies that she may possess.

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