Speculative Narratives

Today, the impact of technology on ESL learners definitely has its benefits and drawbacks.  I can only assume, developed countries will continue to advance educational technologies and developing countries will continue to try to catch up to these countries, which will only cause a further divide.  The need to educate ESL learners not only on the technology we use in our education system, but on English language itself is challenging.

For my final project, I will be exploring how technology has effected ESL learners reading comprehension.  For my speculative narrative, I have envisioned two scenarios.  The first scenario describes future ESL reading technologies for students of artificial intelligence, which replaces the role of the Instructor.  In this scenario, there is not Instructor/Student relationship.  ELI, or the English Language Instructor is introducing themselves to their new student Raj.  The second scenario describes future ESL reading technologies for students that have an instructor but the instructor has access to artificial intelligence that provides guidance to create individual learning plans for each student.  The English Language Assistant will replace the role of the Instructional Assistant.  In this scenario, an Instructor/Student relationship exists.  ELA, or the English Language Assistant is introducing themselves to their new ESL instructor, Jing.


Scenario 1:


Scenario 2:

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