Linking Assignment 1 Potato Printing

Find a link to Emily Saundercook’s Potato Printing task.

Emily chose to create a time-lapse video to record her potato printing project.  Most of my colleagues, myself included, chose to photograph our process.  In my case, I only photographed my final project.

I also found it interesting that Emily was able to complete her entire task in about 10 minutes, where it took me about 2 hours from start to finish.  We both indicated that we have experience with printmaking and creating folk art but she may has honed her skills more than I have.

I also think that it’s interesting that both Emily and I chose to print our names in capital letters.  I did this because I thought it would be easier to cut our capital letters that were the same size so there would be some uniform to my word.  I didn’t anticipate, as Emily did, that it would take more time to cut rounded letters.  I may have tried to think of a word that would allow for more straight edged cuts.

Emily has chosen WordPress and has used the theme WPshoppe as a web authoring tool. Coincidently, Emily and I are using the exact same web authoring tool and theme for this class.  I like the styling options of this theme and I think that the end-user interface is intuitive and visually appealing.

When you go to either of our homepages, you go to our blog page where you can find out posts listed in chronological order from the most recent post we’ve made.  You may scroll down to see all of the posts that we’ve made.  If you click on a link to a specific blog post, at the bottom of the page there are links to the previous post and the next post in the list.

We have both enabled our menus.  Emily has a Blog menu, that when clicked brings you to her most recent blog post.  My About Me menu, brings you to a page that provides some information about me.  If someone clicks on this page, they either have to click the back button in their browser or click on my name in the header to go back to my main page, which has all of my blog posts.

I think that the chronological order of the blog posts are intuitive.  However, I think that the more a writer posts the more posts can get lost.  I believe that WordPress has a function to categorize your work; if I continued blogging I would definitely use this feature so that readers of my site could easily find content.

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