Author Archives: phalim


VSB/Hamber Robotics Page

VSB Robotics Webpage

July 30, 2015

Finish ball challenge

Work on next weeks group challenge (participation)

Group Challenge Instructions

You have Thursday and Friday to design your own UNIQUE VEX iQ challenge for next week Tuesday-Friday.


  • Must utilize basic VEX iQ base (which you built on Wednesday)
  • You must guide/instruct/teach class through your challenge
    • 1 – 1.5 hour for build/competition/challenge.
  • Challenge can be individual or team based (or free for all)
  • Must provide supporting materials;
    • Written instructions or video.
    • Your colleagues should be able to utilize your produced material in their own classrooms in order to guide a class through the basic activity.
    • Use of video, audio, and visuals is highly recommended.
      • Creativity (and student engagement) is appreciated.

VEX iQ Manual

VEX iQ Basic Manual

July 29, 2015

Quick recap

  • Camtasia // Publisher // Online teacher/classroom space

Introduction to Robotics systems and setting up a classroom.

Build up a VEX iQ base bot.



Autonomous Weapons: an Open Letter from AI & Robotics Researchers

An open letter against Autonomous Weapons

interesting development, signed by several notable figures (Hawking, Chomsky, Woz, Musk)

July 28, 2015

Recap (Nova Documentary)

Small group discussions and presentation creation.

Review softwares for content creation and robotics programming.

Create an engaging sample instructional video utilizing Camtasia (screencasting // quizing)

  • Individual assignment, please produce 1 per person.

July 27, 2015


Syllabus Review

Discussions in groups;

  • What role do robotics play in BC’s K-12 education system? Consider this question in light of the redevelopment of BC’s curriculum (compare and contrast “old” IRP’s versus the “new” draft IRP’s)
  • To what extent should we investigate, incorporate, and focus on autonomous operations in Technical Studies courses and applied skills courses? Would this be done at a cost or loss to developing other skills? Are we preparing students for the workplace/trades or are we providing opportunities of enrichment and interests?
  • Should programming and robotics be included as specific areas of instruction at the elementary levels? Adding more to elementary school teachers’ load?

As a group (2-4 people per group) develop a multimedia rich presentation (no longer than 10 minutes) that explores and presents to the class one of these issues in relation to BC curriculum (Applied Skills K-12, ICT K-12, or K-7 elementary).

I would recommend that you work with at least 1 person outside of your main focus area.


NHK Robotics Documentary (Japanese/ASIMO focus)


2015 DARPA Robotics Competition Compilation