Memo to Professor Paterson

September 18, 2020

To: Dr. Erika Paterson
From: Rodrigo Samayoa

Subject: Memo -Technical Writing Team Application
Attachment: Eng301 Rodrigo Samayoa Application Letter

Professor Paterson,

Please find attached a copy of my application letter to join a writing team in the ENGL301 Technical Writing course.

My letter briefly summarizes my desire to join a technical writing team as well as the experience I can bring to the table when joining a team. The letter lists the follow:

  • My professional experience working in the field of grassroots political advocacy,
  • The type of digital and print communications I have experience writing, including mass email campaigns, social media, blog, and op-eds,
  • My interest in web development, which is what brought me back to study at the UBC BCS program.

As a next step, I intend on reading the application letters from my peers to find teammates that would complement my own writing experience and style.

Please take a look at my application letter and feel free to send any feedback you man have.

Rodrigo Samayoa

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